国际MBA项目第十九届毕业典礼韦伯斯特大学Julian Schuster执行校长致辞



Friends, colleagues, graduates of iMBA Program, Webster University and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics: 

I want to start by thanking you. Thank you for being with us for nearly two years as you pursued your studies. Your efforts have made Webster University and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics stronger global partners. With your degree you now have alumni connections all across China, and over the world.

As you well know, you have completed your MBA studies while the world was changing all around us. New business models were solidifying as you were studying finance and managerial economics. AirBnB, Uber, and Di-Di were showing the new ways of the sharing economy. Cars were becoming part of the internet of things, while we were buying online from Tao Bao, JD and Amazon.  

This rapid pace of change, and the strength of students like you who will lead the next phase, are why Webster University is fortunate and pleased to have this MBA in Shanghai. This program does not exist and cannot thrive without the efforts of each one of you, both individually and collectively. You made the time, the effort, and focus to concentrate on businesses, industries, economies, leaders and operations.

Your MBA is crafted in this leading world city using the best ingredients from China, the United States and Europe. And we at Webster University are proud of you and grateful to you for being part of all of us.

Many of you had skills before you started your first MBA classes – scientists, technicians, HR specialists – but now you have a new set of tools that will help you gather information, sort through the details and separate real facts from inaccuracy or even fraud. Just as important, you now know much more about leaders and successful companies that are constantly engaged in improving their offerings.  

From my point of view, as the Provost at a truly global university, I have seen fascinating and energetic students where we teach in Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas. Webster University believes in an open, and connected world where peoples from all across the planet are cooperatively engaged in constant conversations, business transactions, and the sharing of ideas and best methods. That should be the definition of an International MBA alumni, and today we are proud to say that all of you are now a part of the club.

Webster University created the concept of the Global Citizenship Program for these kinds of times, these kinds of debates and analysis.

The 21st century demands more complex skills and abilities than during previous eras. Expert thinking, complex communications skills, problem solving, and working with diverse teams are more important than ever. You are part of our students who come from 100 countries, at campuses on four continents.  

You finished your MBA in Shanghai in the 20th year of the SUFE/Webster Joint Partnership, a partnership that is essential for Webster concept of being a global university. And, you celebrate graduation day in the 100th year of SUFE as a leading university in China, while in 2015 Webster celebrated its centennial. Our partnership is very stable and important to all of us. And it will only get more significant: Ministry of Education data show that over the past decade graduate applications in China have swelled 56 percent. Meanwhile more of your fellow Chinese citizens are attending graduate school rather than immediately entering the workforce.

It is a dynamic world, requiring immense preparation and curiosity. That is what you possess. That is what you will depend on to be successful.

I have just flown in from the United States, where many are talking about the newly elected president, who will take office just twelve days from now. During the election campaign we witnessed two years of proposals, discussions and debates by more than a dozen candidates from both national parties. Now the nationwide discussion will now move to an even higher level and no doubt some policies will change. These moments of “peaceful transition,” as they are known, are opportunities to think about what we do – nationally, and why we do it. The country is evolving, constantly finding new ways. The U.S. dollar is up, gold is down, domestic energy is very available and the stock markets are in good shape. The next step for those educated with an MBA is, as always, to identify and seize the next opportunities that result from these changes. This applies to wherever you live now, wherever you work, and wherever you will be in the next chapter of your career.

Before I close, let me invite you to visit Webster University in the United States. I know some of you either attended courses at Webster’s original campus in St. Louis, or during the Study Tour in Washington, D.C. I am very pleased to hear so many reports about these visiting students in the U.S. and especially in St. Louis, where Webster was founded in 1915. For those of us who have not visited, I encourage you to think about planning a visit for our annual worldwide graduation ceremony in May in St. Louis’ Forest Park. It is always a beautiful day, with thousands of graduates come together with classmates, faculty and families to celebrate your achievement. 

Lucky for us, many Webster University alumni return or visit our home campus in St. Louis to enrich the experiences of each generation of Webster students through their dedication of time, talent and resources. So as each of you embark on your personal journeys, I encourage you to stay connected, share your stories with Webster University and take advantage of the many benefits this degree provides you. 

No matter when I see you next, I wish you the best of luck in your bright, promising future. And on behalf of all of us, I thank you for making Webster University proud.


我院-美国韦伯斯特大学合作举办工商管理专业(MBA)硕士学位项目,即上财best365体育app国际MBA项目,创办于1996年,是最早获教育部批准的中外合作学位教育项目之一,已连续20年招生。采用美式申请制,项目自主招生,无需参加全国联考,全面考核学员的综合素质,管理经验及英语应用能力,择优录取。 毕业后获美国硕士学位,中国教育部学历学位认证。


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