师·生·享 之 携手,同行!(Fall 1)

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Course Schedule (Aug.6 - Oct.15) 

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Managerial Economics Wang Qin


Prof. Wang Qin holds a PhD in Corporate Management from SUFE. Her research interests include corporate strategy, business model and network governance. Prof. Wang has successfully presided over 1 project and participated in 3 projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Fund. She has also presided over various national, provincial and corporate projects and published over 20 papers.



Course Description
In this course, students will understand basic economic theories and apply theories into business decision. Special emphasis will be placed on market mechanism, consumer behavior, production economic, market structure, and firm strategy.


Management Accounting Lee Henderson

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Prof. Lee Henderson holds a PhD of Business Administration. He teaches the modules of Business Law, Financial Reporting, Management Accounting, Financial Management and Business Economics. He has rich experience in international business education.
教授课程:《管理会计学》 《商业法》 《财务申报》《财务管理》和《商业经济学》

Course Description

The student examines advanced topics in management accounting as these relate to management information needs for planning, control, and decision making. Topics include interpretation of standard cost variances; application of quantitative techniques; evaluation of divisional performance; activity-based costing; and the behavioral impact of accounting systems.


Corporate Finance Paul Bon

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Prof. Paul Bon is Adjunct Professor and holds a PhD from University of Amsterdam. He teaches Global Strategies and Finance, Management, Corporate Finance, International Trade and Finance courses. Prof. Paul Bon has over 20 years of experience in senior management positions at renowned multinational companies.


Course Description

In this course, students examine the general nature of financial management, the American financial system, taxes, and the major financial decisions of corporations. Specific attention is given to present value and capital budgeting, risk and asset pricing, financial analysis and forecasting, financial decisions and market efficiency, and capital structure. Problem-solving methodology is used to illustrate the theories and tools in financial decision making.


Organizational Behavior George Reid


Dr. George Reis holds his Ph.D. in Florida State University. He teaches courses in organizational behavior, leadership, and human resource development in Webster’s MBA program in Shanghai and the Tampa Bay campuses in Florida. He has experience as a Clinical Professor at Florida State University, and presented performance consulting skills seminars to Fortune 500 companies for Designed Learning, Inc. 


Course Description
This course introduces students to many of the basic principles of human behavior that effective managers use when managing individuals and groups in organizations. These include theories relating to individual differences in abilities and attitudes, attribution, motivation, group dynamics, power and politics, leadership, conflict resolution, organizational culture, and organizational structure and design.


best365体育app-美国韦伯斯特大学合作举办工商管理专业(MBA)硕士学位项目,即上财best365体育app国际MBA项目,创办于1996年,是最早获教育部批准的中外合作学位教育项目之一,已连续20年招生。采用美式申请制,项目自主招生,无需参加全国联考,全面考核学员的综合素质,管理经验及英语应用能力,择优录取。 毕业后获美国硕士学位,中国教育部学历学位认证。

【招生电话】021-55968289 / 65369770