杨楠教授:《商务统计 Applied Business Statistics》
陆蓉教授:《投资学 Investment》
Runhong Niu教授:《运营管理 Operation and Project Management》
Richard Foristel教授:iMBA项目美方主任
Wance Tacconelli 教授:《市场营销 Marketing》
Dana Walker 教授:《竞争与战略 Strategy and Competition》
Steven Fieldman 教授:《创业与创新管理 Entrepreneurship and Innovation》
About Our Summer 2016
——by Richard Foristel
It was a very active SUFE-Webster IMBA summer program, during which 145 MBA students worked with seven different professors in areas as diverse as Operations and Project Management and Investments.
Dr. Lu Rong taught students to use financial tools for their own goals, or use the understanding to further expand their own financial careers, that is, advise others. Her Investments Course provided additional practice and perfection for students who came to the MBA for in-depth financial education. Thanks to Finance, Advanced Corporate Finance and additional deep studies like Investments, students become practiced during the twenty months of MBA education.
Mr. Li Xilin, a long-time professional with companies like PPG Industries, Solutia Inc., Akzo Noble Coatingsand Bayer,focused on the important use of B2B marketing. He brought Lang Yong Chun to the campus during the Summer Semester to talk to 170 visitors about B2B internet marketing.
Mr. Wance Marcus Tacconelli got students ready for the basics of Marketing, a core course in the MBA. With an education in Britain and teaching in China, Wance brings more globalism to the IMBA program.
Dr. Run Niu taught the summer MBAs how to plan and operate a wide range of businesses from call centers to labor planning to scaling up for size. Her course is “essential” for running a business from airline to factory. She is full-time faculty at Webster’s Walker School of Business, where she teaches the same core course in St. Louis.
Mr. Steve Fieldman, who does daily work in China with entrepreneurs, venture capitalist, and business advisors, worked with students interested in launching a business or developing an intreprenurial orientation in a larger business. There was a great deal of connectivity between Steve Fieldman’s Entrepreneurship class and Dr. Run’s Operations Management class. Two classes in which students can start creating a business.
Dr. Yang Nan in Applied Business Statistics provide starter tools for many of the following MBA courses. She provides statistics that students can take back to work with them and be more effective in just nine short weeks.
Dr. Dana Walker provided the finishing course for all Webster MBA students, Strategy and Competition. His person professionalism from years of IBM service brings ideas into the classroom that are not available on paper or digitally. Dr. Walker coached teams through the realistic operation of running a $100 million company, based on CAPSIM online simulation. CAPSIM is constantly updated, and used worldwide. Webster-SUFE is just one of thousands of users.
Dana Walker教授与2014秋季班部分学员合影
Dana Walker 教授寄语
I really enjoyed the students this semester.
Thank you for the hospitality and interactions in China.
Steven Fieldman教授与2014秋季、2015春季班部分学员合影
Steven Fieldman 教授寄语
There is MBA education—and there is the MBA degree. Faced with having to balance family, job, and study, MBA students have to make choices. Some students choose to be diligent about their homework, to come to class prepared, to pay attention and focus during class, and to fully participate in the teamwork. Almost invariably, these students—who want the MBA education—have the most professional success long-term, and they have professors who are happy to provide solid recommendations anytime in the future. Most importantly, they enjoy the most satisfaction and sense of achievement—at the end of each course, at graduation, and for the years thereafter.
An MBA degree is graduation. An MBA education is forever.
Stay hungry and keep humble during the study of business courses, while Aiming high and getting small tasks done to the highest standard at your work.
Runhong Niu教授与2015春季班部分学员合影
Runhong Niu教授与2015春季班部分学员合影
Wance Tacconelli教授与2015秋季班学员合影
Wance Tacconelli 教授寄语
It was a great pleasure to be your marketing instructor this semester. The class was quite interactive and fun. Even though the majority of you didn't study or work in marketing before, you still showed a lot of interest and dedication in the subject. Of course, I also learnt a lot from you. If there's one thing that I hope you can take away from my course is that understanding customer needs deeply is crucial to achieve any organizational goal. Regardless if you work in marketing, finance or human resources, a customer-centric attitude should inform most of your decisions and hopefully permeate throughout your company's culture. You clearly have the potentials to achieve great things in life. Find your inner voice, follow your true passion and don't be afraid to dream big.
【师·生·享】之 感谢,有你!
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