自上世纪80年代中期,谈判学迅速发展。然而过去只在法学院才能聆听到这门课程的教学。9月14日16:30-18:15,美国大学Yahia H. Zoubir博士将作客best365体育app。谈判不是一种与生俱来的能力,Zoubir博士将与您分享身为高管的必备技能之一—跨文化谈判。欢迎广大师生和校友参加本次专题讲座,同时也诚邀有志申请上财国际MBA项目的社会各界精英前来聆听。
讲座主题:Cross-Cultural Negotiations: An Essential Skill for Executives
讲座时间:2013年9月14日星期六 16:30-18:15
Dr. Yahia H. Zoubir is a tenured professor in one of the top Europeancolleges of business.
Prior to this position, he was:
Managing and Academic Director ofThunderbird Europe, French-Geneva Center in Archamps,
France and full, tenured Professor ofGlobal Business & International Studies at The American
Graduate School of InternationalManagement, Glendale, Arizona, USA.
He was the Editor-in-Chief of the refereed Thunderbird InternationalBusiness Review
(1996-2007) and Co-Editor-in-Chief(2006–2009) of Global Business and Organizational Excellence
-A Review of Research and Best Practices.
His publications have appeared in major US, Canadian, and Europeanscholarly journals and as
chapters in edited volumes. He alsocontributed to various encyclopedias and authored, edited
and/or contributed to followingpublications:
· Global Security Watch - The Maghreb: Algeria, Libya, Morocco, andTunisia (Praeger, 2013);
· North Africa: Politics,Region, and the Limits of Transformation (Routledge, 2008);
· Doing Business in Emerging Europe (UK: Palgrave, 2003)
· North Africa in Transition-State, Society & EconomicTransformation in the 1990s
(University Press of Florida, 1999)
· L’Islamisme Politique dans les Rapports entre l’Europe et leMaghreb,
(Lisbon, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 1996);
· International Dimensions of the Western Sahara Conflict (PraegerPublisher, 1993).
His articles have been published in numerous academic journals, such as(Third World
Quarterly, Middle Policy, Middle EastJournal, Democratization, Foreign Affairs, International
Spectator, among others) and as chapters inedited volumes. He also contributed to aencyclopedias.
In addition to doing consulting for large Multinational Corporations, hehas done consulting in
the field of international relations forthe US Government, the European Union, and for the British
Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Dr. Zoubir is a member of the Academy of International Business, theAcademy of Management,
the International Studies Association, theMiddle East Studies Association of North America,
the American Political Science Association,and the International Association of Conflict Management,
and the British International StudiesAssociation. He serves on the editorial boards of several
international business and politicaljournals.