



2008 华盛顿大学(圣路易斯) 奥林best365体育app 管理学 哲学博士



我院国际工商管理学院  副教授,2009年9月-至今 ? 助理教授,2008年6月-2009年8月



1.Fu, Na., T.C.E. Cheng, Z. Tian. 2018. RFID Investment Strategy for Fresh Food Supply Chains. Journal of Operations Research Society. Forthcoming.

2.Dong, L., P. Kouvelis, Z. Tian. 2017. Responsive Pricing Newsvendor Networks with Discretionary Commonality. Production and Operations Management. 26(8):1534-1552.

3.Tian, Z., Y. Wang. 2016. Advance Selling with Pre-order Dependent Customer Valuation. Operations Research Letters. 44(4): 557-562.

4.Kouvelis, P., Z. Tian. 2014. Flexible Capacity Investments and Product Mix: Optimal Decisions and Value of Postponement Options. Production and Operations Management. 23(5): 861-876.

5.Su, P., Z. Tian, H. Wang. 2012. On Service Degrade at a Discount, Capacity, Risk Pooling and Optimal Discount. OMEGA-The International Journal of Management Science. 40: 358–367.

6.Dong, L., P. Kouvelis, Z. Tian. 2009. Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Control of Substitute Products. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. 11: 317-339.

7.Tian, Z., C.T. Ng, T.C.E. Cheng. 2009. Preemptive Scheduling of Jobs with Agreeable Due Dates on a Single Machine to Minimize Total Tardiness. Operations Research Letters. 37: 368-374.

8.Tian, Z., C.T. Ng, T.C.E. Cheng. 2006. An O(n2) Algorithm for Scheduling Equal-Length Preemptive Jobs on a Single Machine to Minimize Total Tardiness. Journal of Scheduling. 9: 343-364.

9.Tian, Z., C.T. Ng, T.C.E. Cheng. 2005. On the Single Machine Total Tardiness Problem. European Journal of Operational Research. 165(3): 843-846.
